A set of rules, often tacit, sometimes explicitly stated, but generally known to most people.
Here at Bilomnte these can be on top of our Italian Gelato, MIMI', Smart Coffee and even inside the BUN-Brioscia.

At any time, spoon and small cups are availableto become assistants in our Pistachio or Belgian Chocolate "melted" experience.

A set of rules, often tacit, sometimes explicitly stated, but generally known to most people.
Here at Bilomnte these can be on top of our Italian Gelato, MIMI', Smart Coffee and even inside the BUN-Brioscia.

At any time, spoon and small cups are availableto become assistants in our Pistachio or Belgian Chocolate "melted" experience.

A set of rules, often tacit, sometimes explicitly stated,
but generally known to most people.
Here at Bilmonte these can be on top of our Italian Gelato, MIMI',
Smart Coffee and even inside the BUN-Brioscia.

At any time, spoon and small cup are available to become assistants
in our Pistachio or Belgian Chocolate "melted" experience.