Passion & Play
Giacomo, better known as Mr. Conti from Palermo, the creator and founder of Bilmonte - il gelato buono d'Italia, after many years' experience in the gold and precious stones market, took the decision to make one of his childhood dreams come true by turning it into his own business.

After leaving the golden past in the drawer of memories, looking for new challenges, he chose to complete a long apprenticeship with master pastry chef Marco Ottaviani in his town shop.

In a short time, thanks to the support of the Italian partner Vincenzo Squatrito and the vision of a worldwide awarded designer from Milan, the idea of producing 'high-end' artisan gelato, to sell in a sort of ice cream 'boutique', found home becoming real in the only suitable place for unconventional concept: London at first, then Barcelona.

Here at last, he decides to share with the city audience one of his big treasures, acquired over the years of working in the world of ‘precious’: the knowledge that customers always need special attention that goes beyond the physical good, and comes close to something similar to the empathetic sharing of a dream.

One more


Ice Cream parlour

in town.

Are U sure?

Passion & Play
Giacomo, better known as Mr. Conti from Palermo, the creator and founder of Bilmonte

il gelato buono d'Italia, after many years' experience in the gold and precious stones market, took the decision to make one of his childhood dreams come true by turning it into his own business.

After leaving the golden past in the drawer of memories, looking for new challenges, he chose to complete a long apprenticeship with master pastry chef Marco Ottaviani in his town shop.

In a short time, thanks to the support of the Italian partner Vincenzo Squatrito and the vision of a worldwide awarded designer from Milan, the idea of producing 'high-end' artisan gelato, to sell in a sort of ice cream 'boutique', found home becoming real in the only suitable place for unconventional concept: London at first, then Barcelona.

Here at last, he decides to share with the city audience one of his big treasures, acquired over the years of working in the world of ‘precious’: the knowledge that customers always need special attention that goes beyond the physical good, and comes close to something similar to the empathetic sharing of a dream.

One more Sicilian Ice Cream parlour in town.

Are U sure?


Giacomo Conti

Founding partner: body & soul of Bilmonte


Shop wandering assistant 

"occasionally" serving

Vincenzo Squatrito

Italian partner from "downtown"


Giacomo Conti

Founding partner: body & soul of Bilmonte


Shop wandering assistant "occasionally" serving

Vincenzo Squatrito

Italian partner from "downtown"